Easy pre-application process
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Our preapplication process is straightforward and hassle-free, allowing you to take the first step towards securing the funds you need with minimal effort.
We will guide you through the next steps and help you understand the best loan options for your business.
Got Questions?
Beka Shiver -
Economic Development & Transportation Planning
Is My business Eligible ?
"Is Your Business Start-Up or Expansion Creating Permanent Jobs?
Review the Guidelines and Requirements for Funding Eligibility."
Loans are made for any amount between $5,000 - $100,000
Thank you for completing the pre-application.
Beka Shiver will contact you as soon as possible.
View guidelines or needed loan documents.
The Southwest Georgia Revolving Loan
Fund (RLF) is a locally controlled source
of capital used to finance start-up and
expanding businesses whose projects will
create permanent jobs and leverage private
sector investment. As borrowers repay their
RLF loans, the principal and interest
payments are returned to the fund for
lending to other businesses to create more
jobs and investment opportunities.
The businesses targeted for RLF financing
1. Small manufacturing companies.
2. Manufacturing related services.
3. Developing services that have a
uniqueness or technology that will add
value to the region’s economy.
4. Other businesses that may help a
community improve its development potential.
Generally, retail businesses are not eligible.
Proceeds from RLF loans can be used to:
• Purchase land & buildings.
• Construct new buildings or renovate/
modify existing buildings.
• Provide for working capital for up to
the first six months of operation.
There are many advantages to utilizing the
Southwest Georgia RLF for both borrowers and
participating banks that include:
1. Attractive Interest Rates
2. Bank Participation
3. Local Control
View these advantages in more detail below
Interest rates on RLF loans are generally loans
fixed at the prime rate and determined by the
project needs. By combining RLF and bank
financing, the borrower can utilize an effective
rate well below market rates.
The RLF was not established to compete with the
banking community or to be a lender of last
resort. Instead, it was established to provide
gap financing, or “fill the gap” between what the
bank can reasonably lend on a project and what
the business can provide in equity. Also, by
utilizing RLF dollars, banks can offer attractive
financing packages that lower debt services.
The bank maintains a 1st mortgage on 100% of the
collateral. Southwest Georgia Regional
Commission does the packaging and therefore is
little or no paperwork for the bank.
The RLF program is a local economic development
initiative. All decisions are made locally by
SOWEGA Economic Development Corporation
which is a representative of the regional
community. The local emphasis means faster
responses to loan requests and a minimum of
“red tape” for you and your customer.
However, state and federal regulations do apply.
Southwest GA Regional Commission assures that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, family or religious status, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Federal Transit Laws, 49 CFR Part 21 Unlawful Discrimination, Nondiscrimination In Federally-Assisted Programs Of The Department Of Transportation and as per written guidance under FTA Circular 4702.1B, dated October 2012, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination or retaliation under any program or activity undertaken by the agency.
EIN : 58-0940910
E-verify #52681
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USDA- https://www.usda.gov/
DCA- https://www.dca.ga.gov/