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Historic Preservation

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The Historic Preservation Division's mission is to promote the preservation and 

use of historic places for a better Georgia.

Criteria for Evaluation

Georgia's Registry of Historic Places

The Georgia Register of Historic Places uses the same criteria and documentation procedures as the National Register of Historic Places. Properties listed in the National Register are automatically listed in the Georgia Register. 


The Georgia Register is the state designation referenced by state laws and regulations regarding state grants, property tax abatements, the Georgia Environmental Policy Act, the State-owned Historic Properties Act, and other state preservation and environmental programs.

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  • National Register Listing Assistance: The SWGRC will assist property owners in listing their property on the National Register.
  • Tax Incentive Assistance: The State of Georgia has tax incentives available for the owners of historic property. Both have specific requirements, including the substantial rehabilitation of the property in question. SWGRC will provide technical assistance in applying for tax incentives.
  • Certified Local Government (CLG) Assistance: Any city, town, or county that has enacted a historic preservation ordinance and enforces that ordinance through a local preservation commission, and has met requirements outlined in the Procedures for Georgia's Certified Local Government Program, is eligible to become a CLG. Once certified, a local government becomes eligible to apply for federal historic preservation grant funds available only to CLGs.

Area of Significance

To qualify for the National Register, a property must be significant; that is, it must represent a significant part of the history, architecture, archeology, engineering, or culture of an area. These nominations present examples of different areas of significance, such as agriculture, education, and social history.

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Georgia Heritage Grant Program

Since 1994, the Georgia Heritage Program has provided more than $3 million in matching grants to local governments and nonprofit organizations for historic resources, such as lighthouses, cemeteries, theaters, courthouses, jails, schools, etc. 


Eligible projects include both development and predevelopment projects. 

  • Development projects may include bricks and mortar activities, such as roof, window and foundation repair, or brick repointing. 

  • Predevelopment projects may include construction documents, feasibility studies, historic structure reports, or preservation plans. 

In order to be eligible for funding, applicants must be able to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Must be a local government or private secular nonprofit organization.
  • Must have documentation of matching funds (equal to at least 40% of the project cost). 
  • Must ensure that all grant assisted work meets the applicable Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Archaeology and Rehabilitation of Historic Properties.
  • Must have properties that are listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National and Georgia Registers of Historic Places, and be listed prior to reimbursement of funds.
  • Must agree to execute a Covenant Agreement on the property to assure public access, maintenance, and compliance with preservation standards for five years (applies to development projects only).

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