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Coordinated Planning & Zoning

Planning Services >

The SWGRC's planning program promotes sustainable growth by developing local comprehensive and regional plans. It supports implementation by assisting local governments with ordinances, project funding, applications, and administration.

Governing Statutes, Regulations, and Guidance Reference Guide for Local Governements

Community development

The Right Tools Make A Difference

Brownfields are underused or abandoned properties, often due to actual or perceived environmental contamination, like an old gas station.

CDBG funds improve communities, boost economic opportunities, and support affordable housing.

GICH is a state program providing three years of collaboration and technical assistance for housing and community development.

An area marked by poverty, underdevelopment, and blight, enabling communities to revitalize, create jobs, and gain valuable tax credits.

CHIP funds support local governments, nonprofits, and housing authorities in providing affordable housing for their communities.

RAS designation rewards communities for carrying out comprehensive redevelopment in targeted areas.

Land banks are organizations that transform vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties into productive spaces.

Rural Zone boosts rural downtowns with incentives for development and rewards communities excelling in their Local Comprehensive Plans.

RLF provides capital for startups and expanding businesses to create jobs and attract private investment.

Helps local governments identify housing issues, solutions, and assess community housing conditions.

Tax Allocation Districts is a government tool that funds public and private redevelopment within a designated area.

RDF funds economic and community development projects to combat slum and blight.

Supports economic growth by revitalizing underdeveloped areas and encouraging investment.

The DD RLF helps cities revitalize historic downtowns by funding capital projects.

A zoning ordinance is a local government regulation that defines land use zones and procedures.

PlanFirst recognizes and rewards communities for effectively implementing their Comprehensive Plan.

Mainstreet denotes a street , village or small city that is the focal point for shops and business district.

LIHTC funds affordable housing development and renovation.

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Helps low-income rural applicants afford safe housing with temporary mortgage aid.

Fulfills homeownership dreams by providing affordable mortgage financing for eligible homebuyers. 

This program offers loans for home improvements and grants for elderly homeowners to remove hazards.

The Southwest Georgia Regional Commission supports economic and community development for member governments.

The results of planning; how a community shapes and guides growth and developments, is contained in a Comprehensive Plan.

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